Monday, January 28, 2008

Out of the highlands of affliction

The Lord gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction- C.H Spurgeon

I looked calmly into the blazing fire that greedily devoured the pages of my diary. 2002,2003... all the way through 2008. One by one I tore the pages and watched them being charred to death. As the last page singed and shrivelled on the heap of ashes, I heard the voice of the gentle Holy Spirit reminding me - To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. I could feel that peace which comes when man is in the centre of God's will.

Last month, during the international youth conference, we girls from Bangalore stayed up till 2am discussing how to find the will of God. I had listened to the incisive statements made by my two better experienced friends with surprise. I didn't know if I knew what His will for my life was. Had reasons to believe I knew it, but somehow when prodded deeper, didn't have a leg to stand on. Why not my will instead of His? After all that I'd been through, it was perplexing why He wouldn't treat my will as his own?- Not a square deal.

Today, I perfectly understand the peace Lady Illusion( a friend who turned into a close buddy during the camp) was talking about. I've passed the school of hard knocks and it wasn't without any effect. Every circumstance in our life can mould our personality. Difficult people and situations can help us overhaul our attitude. Even the biggest disappointment has the potential to set our perspective right. Viewing sufferings as a sort of training puts every thing in place.

I've learnt my lesson. One of it is, not to be saddled with the past. I cannot live a life of absolute surrender to Jesus if I don't stop ruefully gazing at the water under the bridge. I've done it and now I know the peace that passeth all understanding!