It's 3 in the morning now and I'm wide awake. There's no particular thought running through my mind. No worries or cares... I'm simply lying on my bunk bed gazing at the fan running at top speed.
It must be the result of those ever so frequent night duties. Staying up all night does not seem all that abnatural. Yet, it's strange why I lie awake. My roomies aren't even snoring! It was a night of great discoveries as I journyed from the routeins to the extra-ordinaries.
3 missed calls from Mit bro. (That's his cost-effective way of saying goodnight) flashed on my cell at 12am. My mind raced over the events of the day. It was a hectic one. The ICU was full and we had a hard time managing our assignments. My feet were sore when I finally sunk into the chair at the nurses station. 'I'm maxed out!', somebody whined. Yeah. One of those 'uncool' days we agreed. Mit bro, however, surprised me by his response 'I come here to work and I did just that today.' he said. His tone was humble. Not mocking us for complaining. He was only being himself.
Those lines rang in my mind for a while. Then, I began to pray. Every time I'm ready to give up, He sets my perspective right. I had lost sight of my purpose oflate and my work had turned tedious. But he spoke into my life and renewed it by His Word.
In the quiet of this sleepless night I lighted upon another great truth. It can never be 'ALL OVER' between God and me. No matter how many times I fight with Him, go astray or fall down, it's never the end of our relationship. Yes, the consequences are distasteful but I don't have to wonder in dreadful suspense if I can ever start over with Him. It's comforting. A thought on which I can meditate through out the night.
Hold My Heart
Hold my heart my sisters When I'm thinking of you When sadness comes And
I'm feeling down And I don't know what to do. Lift my heart my sisters Take
all my...
6 years ago
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