"It's here! Christmas is here", said Papa hugging her gently "and we'll not celebrate without our daughter" May you have a blessed and meaningful Christmas.
The tree stood ready to be ornated and the lush green colour of the leaves shone even more brightly as if putting on a happy smile. The memories of her childhood came bubbling over her mind when her extra large family would gather around the Christmas tree singing carols and overly decorating it. With music and the scent of goodies floating in the air, the crowded joy of the family was playing in her mind when suddenly the present filled her senses. Her neat room was deserted. There was no papa fixing the star in the balcony. Mum was not int the kitchen battering the eggs for cakes. Her sisters were not around trying on new dresses and debating over what to wear for the Christmas mass.
She was all alone. She didn't know what to do. Her hands that were tying the satin materials together with the dexterity she had acquired over the years felt limp. Something seemed to be convulsing in the place where once she thought there was a heart. That organ she believed had disappeared from there the moment she had willingly left behind her beloved home. Now it lay miles away, perhaps not even the same.
She tossed away the ribbons and squeezed her eyes shut. Eventually, she cried covering her face with both hands.
"Ding dong!"
Someone was at the door.
Hurriedly wiping the obstinate tears she flailed first towards the room to check if she was fit to be seen by whoever it was waiting at the door- If not anything, her profession had taught her the importance of carrying oneself well. Rubbing a little tear from here and a little stain from there she composedly walked to the door and opened it.
"Merry Christmas!" came a chorus ringing with the voices that were the most dear to her.
"Papa! Ma!" She couldn't believe her eyes. Like that was not enough, all her lovely and beautiful sisters barged into the room with hands full of fat bags singing carols.
Hold My Heart
Hold my heart my sisters When I'm thinking of you When sadness comes And
I'm feeling down And I don't know what to do. Lift my heart my sisters Take
all my...
6 years ago
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