October 25th... A day that goes down in the history of Jessyland.Huddled closely around her lovely friends, she stood. She stood right at the back in the last row of the great throng that had assembled to worship the great Iam. The hall resounded with songs of adoration and as she made way for the people still streaming in to occupy some vacant seats in the row, little did she know what was in store.
Eyes tightly shut, hands lifted high, tears sparkling in her lashes. She stood not knowing how her need would be met. She mumbled under her breath - "Lord, that gift I desire is mine to claim. I know in Your own time, when I'm ready for it, You'll give it to me. Now I surrender wholly to You. Body mind and soul... Take me I am Yours."
She loved to sing. Especially in a gathering like this, where voices joined as one floated up to the throne of the Most High. Where many imperfections drowned out in an expression of love. Today, however, was not exactly the same. Her tongue was tired but her heart sang a new song of praise for the One she loved. Her lips were still, but the song bubbled inside of her. It bubbled with growing energy, till it finally broke out...
God in His amazing love granted her desire. At the least expected moment, the gift was hers, though she deserved no such grace. She asked and He gave it to her. Without any questions, any conditions, in an instant He changed her world :)