Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dadda knows

I'm not always like this

I have seen highs,

When the Great I am took my hands

And whispered love songs in my ears.

His presence alive in me

Cheered the world I stepped in.

The Mighty one bending down I saw

To place on my forehead a loving kiss

But, I'm not always like this.

I sometimes hit the lows,

Question myself

If what my heart once felt was real

Though smiling and dancing

In the house of God

My own heart alone knew

The strong web of despair

Spun around my thoughts

Caught in a battle of truth and whims

I'm not always like this.

I sometimes stumble

Though I make up my mind to run the race.

Run... so I can win.

When the going seems good

Off-guard I'm caught in sin

In shame I cover my face

Disgraced by self-created mess

But I'm not always like this.

When I close my tired eyes

He still watches me.

He gives me my daily bread

He still numbers my every hair.

Even when I feel like giving up on myself

And cry like a wounded child,

He holds me tight in His loving arms and says

"Stay still... Stay right here...

My plans never go amiss

You'll not always be like this".