Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lost... But was it ever mine?

Fragrant memories waft through the air

Silently they reign, voicelessly they prevail.

My secret pleasure in reveries fair

Fades... Almost replaced by pain.

My own feelings ever-deepening with age,

Unaware I was that feelings could change.

To be your friend I have not the privilege

Distance grows in a measure so strange.

Now in silence to live I have pledged...

No more complaining about this distance

This is but the misery of the unprivileged

Who long to live above their cirumstance


Joyfulsister said...

My Dear Sister..
You know.. I was truly touched by reading this..okay being honest my eyes filled with tears.. I see my daughter in this writing, I see her pain. Isn't it awesome how in the writings of others you are opened to become so aware of your own. I will let her read this, I will pray she will once again be able to write her soul cries in the beautiful gift of poetry she also has been gifted with. Thank you for sharing this, thank you for sharing your gift.

Be Blessed, and hopeful for with God all things are possible.

Hugz Lorie

The Dutchess said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and directing me your way...what a beautiful place you have here...and how well you put your feelings into words..Thank you for sharing..finding you was a real treasure today..

Maithri said...

Dear Jessy,

My sister this is beautifully written...

You truly have the gift,

Wanted to wish you and yours a fantastic christmas and deep peace and love in the new year,

Love and light, Maithri

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessy,
I don't have words to explain what i felt...such a touching expression of pain...wonderful....

I am here on your space by an accident...But from now i will be a regular visitor...Plz let me know when you post new poems or articles..:)