As we watched the restless waves and listened to its constant rumble, I wondered- Is it all that easy? When I'm with him, yes it is more than easy to be happy... To be ecstatic even when every reason to smile is snatched away from me! When he is around... Yes.
As if reading my thoughts he said, "It's not easy, I agree. Making the best choice in life is never easy." He held my gaze for a moment and then looked away. Why, I could not tell. Was it because he saw the hurt in my eyes? I didn't want him to leave me so soon. Was this really the best choice he could make? I didn't know. "This time is too good to be wasted in silence" he said turning to me with beaming eyes. "True" I said, "I can either decide to make myself miserable over your going away or decide to make the most out of the time I'm with you."
"You're a quick learner!" he said in a mocking tone, "Come on! It's not like I'm leaving you forever. It's only for a few months!"
The sun glowed low on the horizon. Cool winds rushed in a pleasing pace. The waves still rumbled, as we talked, laughed and walked bare foot along the cheerful shore.
Hold My Heart
Hold my heart my sisters When I'm thinking of you When sadness comes And
I'm feeling down And I don't know what to do. Lift my heart my sisters Take
all my...
6 years ago